Sunday 21 April 2013

Custard Bread

When I first saw this recipe I was intrigued  because I've never met such bread before. It   uses a "custard" as a base, that is mixed with the dough.
This bread is very easy to make.  It has a wonderful  taste and texture. It is a little bit sweet, very soft and reminds a breakfast roll. What else can I say. Only that I went nuts over it.



1  egg yolk
50 grams white sugar
20 grams bread flour
120 grams  milk


500 grams  flour     

2/3 - 1  tsp salt 
 1.5 tsp instant yeast 
200 grams lukewarm water 
 50 grams unsalted butter, melted 

1 egg white  for brushing

  1. In a small saucepan mix together egg yolk, flour, sugar and milk.   Cook over medium low heat constantly stirring, until thickened a bit. Then put  the custard aside and let it cool slightly. 
  2. In a bowl mix together flour, yeast and salt.  Add water and start kneading the dough, it'll be a bit dry but that's ok. 
  3. Mix in the butter and then we have to add our custard to the dough.  At first the dough will be very sticky, but later it becomes soft and elastic. Cover the bowl with plastic  wrap and put in a warm place for 1.5 -2 hours.
  4. When dough has risen, gently fold it to remove air bubbles. Divide dough into six balls. Prepare two bread pans and set it aside. We'll need three balls for one pan.
  5. With a rolling pin, flatten out the one of the balls to an oval shape. Roll it, pinch ends and seam together. Place the rolled dough in pan on one end. Repeat the process with the remaining dough balls. 
  6. Cover the pans with plastic wrap or a tea towel and let the loafs rise in a warm place for about 1 - 1.5 hours. 
  7. Preheat the oven to 190ºC. Brush the loafs with an egg white before baking. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Check loafs after the first 25 minutes..  If it is browning too quickly, cover it with aluminum foil.  
  8. Cool breads on a wire wrack. 



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